Year: 2022

What Does Personal Injury Protection Cover?

Personal injury protection (PIP) is a type of insurance coverage that pays medical bills, lost wages and other expenses when you're hurt in an accident. If you're injured in a car crash, for example, your auto insurance would kick in first to cover the cost of your...

Getting a divorce in Florida

When couples in Florida think of divorce, they likely think of a messy and heated dissolution. While this might be the case in a complex divorce matter, the divorce process could be a civil and straightforward process for those who decide to work together to end their...

5 Tips on Disputing False Insurance Claims

If you've ever had a car accident, then you know the frustration of dealing with insurance companies. The stress of filing an auto insurance claim can be enough to make anyone go mad, especially when it comes to dealing with false or unreasonably denied claims. Most...

What all does family law cover?

Family law is complicated. It covers everything from adoption and marriage to divorce and child custody. In this post, we'll cover the basics of family law so that you can get a good idea of what it all entails. Child abuse and neglect Child abuse and neglect are...

Are there differences for gay divorcees?

It may come as a surprise for some, but gay marriage has only been allowed in our state since the beginning of 2015. Indeed, this was as a result of the Florida case of Brenner v. Scott, which eventually lead to the U.S. Supreme Court finding that same-sex marriage...


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