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Job-related changes and child support obligations

Child support obligations are based on the income of both parents and their ability to financially support their child. When a parent experiences job-related changes, such as a new job, a promotion or a job loss, it can have a significant impact on their child support...

Navigating child custody in divorce

Child custody is one of the most emotionally charged aspects of divorce. When parents decide to end their marriage, it is important to focus on the children and create a custody arrangement that supports their emotional and financial needs. Divorcing parents should...

Modifying a child support order

Child support orders are not set in stone. In fact, the court could modify an order under certain circumstances to reflect changes in the parents' financial situations or the child's needs. If either parent experiences a significant change in income, loses their job...

The importance of self-care during divorce

Divorce can be an emotionally draining and stressful experience. However, practicing self-care can help you work through this challenging period. There are a number of self-care strategies to consider. These can make your divorce easier and increase your chances of...

Florida overhauled alimony laws in 2023

Florida's alimony laws underwent a significant transformation with Governor Ron DeSantis's approval of a bill. The new law, effective July 1, 2023, brought about changes, including the elimination of permanent alimony. The new law affects couples currently undergoing...

How courts determine spousal support

Spousal support in Florida can take various forms, including bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative and durational alimony. Each type serves a unique purpose, depending on the circumstances of the divorce. The Florida Statutes provides guidance to courts when determining...

How to discuss divorce with your children

Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, especially when it involves children. That is why parents must communicate with their children about this life-altering decision in a sensitive and thoughtful manner. While the conversation may be difficult, approaching...


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